英日字典: roll_up
The roll_up has 7 Senses.
- roll up, furl
- 押し巻く, 巻く, 押巻く
- form into a cylinder by rolling; "Roll up the cloth"
- 巻くことで形成して円柱に入れる
- accumulate, hoard, compile, roll up, collect, amass, pile up
- 集める, コレクト, 集結, 集積, 蓄積, 寄せ集める, 纏める, 取集める, 寄集める, 取りあつめる, 採集, 積み上げる, 取り集める, 収集, 積み重ねる, 寄せあつめる, ため込む, 積みあげる, 拾集
- get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"; "She rolled up a small fortune"
- 集合する、または集まる
- roll up
- arrive in a vehicle: "He rolled up in a black Mercedes"
- 車で到着する
- roll up, bundle, bundle up
- make into a bundle; "he bundled up his few possessions"
- 束にする
- roll up
- close (a car window) by causing it to move up, as with a handle; "she rolled up the window when it started to rain"
- ハンドルなどで、せりあがるようにすることで閉める(車の窓など)
- roll up, wrap up
- 包む
- form a cylinder by rolling; "roll up a banner"
- 転がることによって、シリンダを形成する
- roll, roll up
- 転がる
- show certain properties when being rolled; "The carpet rolls unevenly"; "dried-out tobacco rolls badly"
- 回転される際、特定の特性を示す
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